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Iva Marketanović
13. Nov. 20246 Min. Lesezeit
Harnessing Gossip. From a Potential Threat to an Organizational Benefit.
Gossip in the workplace has a bad reputation, but what if it could be turned into a powerful tool for business success?
18. Okt. 20247 Min. Lesezeit
The RIDA-loop, an approach to complexity and organizational excellence.
Read in this column why we are convinced that the RIDA-loop is an impactful didactic approach to complexity and organizational excellence.
Viktor Vetturelli
1. Aug. 20241 Min. Lesezeit
An insight into our thinking about conversation, change, and organizational discourse.
An insight into our thinking about conversation, change, and organizational discourse.
Stephanie Borgert
8. Apr. 20248 Min. Lesezeit
Organizational discourse as an instrument for effective change
Organizational discourse as a process can be exhausting and irritating for some, but the effects are - with right conditions - tremendous.
25. März 20243 Min. Lesezeit
How to Impactful Drive Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Initiatives in the Workplace
Overcoming talent shortage and provoking innovation with the power of Paralympic movement.
Viktor Vetturelli
6. März 20244 Min. Lesezeit
The Office: A haven for success and creativity?
If you're trying to evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of hybrid work, you may be asking the wrong question.
23. Nov. 20237 Min. Lesezeit
The Myth of a difficult client
In informal gatherings with business people, the term "difficult clients" often comes up. But what does "difficult" really mean?
10. Sept. 20233 Min. Lesezeit
Meet the Team: Stephanie Borgert, CSO
Why organizational discourse is needed and what was the defining moment for our Chief Solutions Manager to join the qohubs team
7. Sept. 20232 Min. Lesezeit
Empowering the leadership team - welcome Stephanie Borgert
With Stephanie Borgert as the Chief Solutions Officer qohubs is bridging the gap between technology and organizational development.
31. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Diskurslernen - Wie sich die Unternehmenskultur gemeinsam entwickeln lässt
Erfahre wie die "metafinanz" das Thema Unternehmenskultur mit Hilfe des Diskurslernens angegangen ist .
14. Feb. 20233 Min. Lesezeit
Culture Triple
Designed for the merits of better collaboration and value creation. The Culture Triple is a program designed in cooperation with...
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